Game Lab Project 36
Follow the steps below in order to complete the project "Game Lab Project 36" Play the relevant Video to know how to complete the steps
Step 1
How to identify
parts of the App
Step 2
How to create the
Houses table
Step 3
How to store the chosen
house in the winner
Step 4
Creating what happens
when the Sports button
is clicked
Step 5
How to update the table
accordingly when the
Sports button is clicked
Step 6
Creating what happens
when the Arts button is
Step 7
How to update the table
accordingly when the
Arts button is clicked
Step 8
Creating what happens
when the Next button
is clicked
Step 9
How the chart is created
when the total button is
Step 10
How the chart is created
when the Sports button is
Step 11
How the chart is created
when the Arts button is
I finished the project
Next Project