Numerical data is data that exists in the form of numbers rather than in any language or descriptive form. Quantitative data is also called numerical data. Any kind of numerical data is different because these numerical data can be calculated statistically and arithmetically.
Numerical modeling is a mathematical model that uses some kind of numerical time-stepping procedure to model the timescales. Mathematical solutions are generated and represented by tables or graphs.

As examples for numerical data
The number of movies watched etc. can be indicated.
Numeric data can be discrete data or continuous data.
In the early days, numerical modeling was used as a technique used to numerically solve sets of equations, but nowadays numerical modeling can also be used to know the equation to be solved.
Study the activity below.
The modern world has managed to survive the zombie plague and find help. An AI model has been trained to survey the number of zombie epidemic patients in cities. The data obtained by the AI model is shown below.

According to the survey conducted in several cities, the data received by them is given below.
City Actual Size Prediction Same Size 5 Difference 20 Difference
A 32 35
B 56 72
C 22 19
D 33 33
E 85 81
F 34 73
G 53 56
H 2 0
I 82 55
J 76 80
Did the trained AI model match the predicted value with the actual value? (Add the answer in the box.)

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