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Mobile Unlock App
At the end of this lesson, you will have the opportunity to create an App that unlocks the mobile phone when the correct password is given.
  1. Click the “Start” button. You should redirect to “”
  2. Click the "How it works" button.
  3. Click the "Remix" button.
  4. If you have not accessed the website, sign in by providing username and password.
  5. Click the "Rename" button.
  6. "Project 42" is given as the name.
  7. Click the "Save" button.
Watch the videos below to understand the above steps.
How To Access Code.Org
How To Create An Account On Code.Org
Let's Explore The Interface Of The Code.Org Website
Objectives Of The Lesson
Here, we will have the opportunity to learn what happens when the variable provided by the user is equal to and unequal to a variable that we initially provided during the creation by means of an if-else block.
One day Columbus forgets his phone password. Therefore, create a mobile unlock app using your coding knowledge to help him.
Follow the steps below in order to complete the project "Mobile Unlock App" Play the relevant Video to know how to complete the steps
Step 1
Discover the features of the mobile phone unlocking app
Step 2
How to create a password variable?
Step 3
What happens when the unlock button is clicked?
Step 4
How to retrieve user entered password?
Step 5
What happens when the user does or does not provide a correct password?
Homework 42

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